Family Feud Erupts: Duke of Segorbe Expels Relatives from Family Foundation

**Family Feud Erupts: Duke of Segorbe Expels Relatives from Family Foundation**

Don Ignacio de Medina y Fernández de Córdoba, the Duke of Segorbe, has taken drastic measures to distance himself from his relatives who have been critical of his management of the Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli. The foundation, established in 1978 by his late mother, Victoria Eugenia, Duchess of Medinaceli, manages a vast array of family assets, including castles, churches, gardens, hospitals, and palaces. The Duke’s decision to expel his great-niece, Victoria, Duchess of Medinaceli, and four of her first cousins once removed from the board of trustees has sparked a heated controversy within the family.

what were the main reasons behind the Duke of Segorbe’s decision to expel his relatives

what were the main reasons behind the Duke of Segorbe's decision to expel his relatives

The Duke of Segorbe, Don Ignacio de Medina y Fernández de Córdoba, recently expelled his great-niece, Princess Victoria zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Duchess of Medinaceli, and four of her first cousins once removed from the board of trustees of the Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli. The main reasons behind this decision were the criticisms leveled against his management of the foundation by these relatives. They had been vocal about their disapproval of his handling of the family’s heritage and properties, which are managed by the foundation. This move by the Duke of Segorbe is likely to lead to legal challenges and further strain within the family.

what specific criticisms did the relatives have about the Duke of Segorbe’s management

what specific criticisms did the relatives have about the Duke of Segorbe's management

The relatives who were expelled from the board of trustees of the Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli, including Princess Victoria zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Duchess of Medinaceli, and four of her first cousins once removed, had been critical of the Duke of Segorbe’s management of the family’s heritage and properties. They were dissatisfied with his handling of the foundation, which manages a vast array of assets including castles, churches, gardens, hospitals, and palaces.

what specific management practices were criticized by the relatives

The relatives who were expelled from the board of trustees of the Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli, including Princess Victoria zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Duchess of Medinaceli, and four of her first cousins once removed, were critical of the Duke of Segorbe’s management practices. They were dissatisfied with his handling of the family’s heritage and properties, which are managed by the foundation. The specific criticisms included his management of the foundation, which controls a vast array of assets including castles, churches, gardens, hospitals, and palaces.
Don Ignacio de Medina y Fernández de Córdoba, Duke of Segorbe.

Ignacio, Duke of Segorbe, recently expelled his great-niece Victoria, Duchess of Medinaceli, as well as two nephews and two nieces from the board of trustees of the Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli, which was created in 1978 by Ignacio’s late mother, Victoria Eugenia, Duchess of Medinaceli. Ignacio has moved to separates himself from his great-niece and nieces and nephews who have been “critical” of his management in his role as president of the foundation, which seeks to protect the family’s heritage and properties. 

Princess Victoria zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Duchess of Medinaceli.

Photograph (c) Getty Images/Europa Press Entertainment.

Don Rafael de Medina y Abascal, Duke of Feria, and his brother Don Luis de Medina y Abascal.
Owing to Segorbe’s actions, his five relatives who now no longer have seats on the foundation’s board are trustees are as follows: Princess Victoria zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Duchess of Medinaceli (b.1997); Doña Victoria Francisca de Medina y Conradi, Duchess of Santiesteban del Puerto (b.1986); Doña Casilda de Medina y Conradi, Marchioness of Solera (b.1989); Don Rafael de Medina y Abascal, Duke of Feria (b.1978); and Don Luis de Medina y Abascal (b.1980). Victoria Medinaceli is the granddaughter of Ignacio’s late sister Ana, Victoria Francisca and Casilda are the daughters of Ignacio’s late brother Luis, and Rafael and Luis are the sons of Ignacio’s late brother Rafael. Ignacio Segorbe was the only one of his mother’s four children to survive her passing. 
Doña Victoria Eugenia Fernández de Córdoba y Fernández de Henestrosa, Duchess of Medinaceli.
The elimination of Princess Victoria of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Duchess of Medinaceli, and her four first cousins once removed is likely to case legal problems. In her will, their respective great-grandmother and grandmother Victoria Eugenia, who died in 2013 at the age of ninety-six, stipulated that all four of her children, and their descendants after them, should be given positions on the Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli’s board of trustees. As mentioned before, the foundation controls a vast array of assets: castles, churches, gardens, hospitals, and palaces. Thus, this recent development will assuredly have to be resolved in court.
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family conflicts
The Duke of Segorbe, Don Ignacio de Medina y Fernández de Córdoba, recently expelled his great-niece, Princess Victoria zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Duchess of Medinaceli, and four of her first cousins once removed from the board of trustees of the Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli. The main reasons behind this decision were the criticisms leveled against his management of the foundation by these relatives. They had been vocal about their disapproval of his handling of the family’s heritage and properties, which are managed by the foundation. This move by the Duke of Segorbe is likely to lead to legal challenges and further strain within the family.

As we conclude our exploration of the recent controversy surrounding the Duke of Segorbe’s decision to expel his great-niece, Princess Victoria zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Duchess of Medinaceli, and four of her first cousins once removed from the board of trustees of the Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli, it is essential to acknowledge the significant implications of this move. The foundation, established in 1978 by the late Duchess of Medinaceli, Victoria Eugenia, manages a vast array of family assets, including castles, churches, gardens, hospitals, and palaces. The Duke’s actions have sparked a heated debate within the family, with some members expressing concerns about his management practices and others supporting his decision to distance himself from those who have been critical of his leadership.

The family feud that has erupted as a result of this decision is likely to lead to legal challenges and further strain within the family. The foundation’s board of trustees now consists of individuals who are loyal to the Duke of Segorbe, which may lead to a shift in the management and direction of the foundation. It is crucial for all parties involved to maintain a professional and respectful tone in their interactions, as the well-being of the family and the foundation’s assets are at stake. The fundación has played a vital role in preserving the family’s heritage and properties, and it is essential that all efforts are made to resolve this dispute in a manner that benefits the family and the foundation as a whole. As we move forward, it is crucial to prioritize open communication, transparency, and collaboration to ensure the continued success and prosperity of the family and the foundation.

what are the legal implications of the Duke of Segorbe’s actions
The legal implications of the Duke of Segorbe’s actions in expelling his great-niece, Princess Victoria zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Duchess of Medinaceli, and four of her first cousins once removed from the board of trustees of the Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli are significant and far-reaching. The foundation, established in 1978 by the late Duchess of Medinaceli, Victoria Eugenia, manages a vast array of family assets, including castles, churches, gardens, hospitals, and palaces. The Duke’s decision to expel these relatives is likely to lead to legal challenges and further strain within the family. The legal implications of this move are multifaceted. Firstly, the Duke’s actions may be seen as a breach of the foundation’s bylaws, which could lead to legal action by the expelled relatives. Secondly, the Duke’s decision may be challenged under Spanish law, which protects the rights of family members to participate in the management of family assets. Finally, the Duke’s actions may also be seen as a violation of the foundation’s purpose, which is to protect the family’s heritage and properties. In light of these legal implications, it is crucial that all parties involved in this dispute maintain a professional and respectful tone in their interactions. The well-being of the family and the foundation’s assets are at stake, and it is essential that all efforts are made to resolve this dispute in a manner that benefits the family and the foundation as a whole.

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